Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Random Blabbering...

>>> Since last week, bum has been my middle name. Staying at home and figuring out what to do the whole day is not that easy. I'm beginning to die of boredom really. It's funny coz during the time that I was employed, I was always finding ways to absent myself and believe me, I have been the queen of alibis. So if you're having a hard time thinking of a valid reason to tell your boss, just sms me. I tell you, I can make a living out of this skill.

>>> I've just proven that stress from work is the main cause why I have boobies on my back. haha. I meant, such stress is what makes me fat. You see, now that I'm unemployed, I find it really surprising that I have lost my big appetite. I'm not really on a diet or anything, but these past few days, I am not having the itch to make myself another helping of every meal. Shocking, really, knowing me, I used to have atleast 2 "labays" (ilocano term for plateful) every time I eat.

>>> Cholita passed away last Sunday. :( She has been acting gloomy and low-spirited since Saturday. I guess she was going through the phase where her body's getting rid of parasites and so she suffered from severe vomiting until it came to a point where she was discharging blood. We tried to feed her spoonfuls of brown sugar but unfortunately she wasn't able to recover. I remember Cholo undergoing this phase too during his early months and it went on for more or less 2 weeks. He managed to hold on and luckily he had recovered. Like Polar, Cholits, we'll miss you. :(

>>> I'm already done with my movie/series marathon. Was able to finish Kyle XY Season 2 and as usual, bitin ulet. I still have the Drawn Together Seasons 1-3 in my external hard disk but since Kuya brings his laptop to his office and I find it uncomfy watching it in the desktop, I think I'll just save it for later. Honestly, I miss watching TV series where you have to hold your pee dahil maraming climax throughout the season, so now I plan on borrowing DVDs of 24 from our neighbor. hehe. Don't worry bloggy, I'll find time to update you naman.

>>> Last Sunday, after having watched the showbiz talkshows during the afternoon, Yann and I decided to check out the blogs of local celebrities. We were quite intrigued by the father of Cam Prats' baby and so we googled him. Unfortunately, we found no picture. Corny. So, we continued blog hopping until we came across Jonh Lapus' (a.k.a. "Sweet") blog. It was fuckin' hilarious and I promise to post some of his entries soon. hehe.

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